Seminary Degrees & Certificates for Your Spiritual & Professional  Development 

We offer Quality Seminary Training, and Degrees for Adults of just about every age and skill level.

Enroll in our "Associates of Ministry" Diploma Program for Free! Start today! 12-Seminary Courses, 100% Online, Just pay $150 Fees                                


Lectures in each course

Text material

Text is provided
- No Books to Buy


Complete online exams

Learning Options

Take one course, a certification program, or earn a bachelors, masters, or doctorate degree in just one year! 
Professional teachers
degree majors
Happy students

Bible Philosophy & Solid Credibility

Our Philosophy Integrity Seminary believes that the Holy Spirit is the real teacher and the main source for curriculum is the Word of God. Our courses are prepared with you in mind. Most of our students are adults who have families, jobs and many responsibilities weighing on them that is why we have designed our training to focus on the specialty God has called you to. Integrity is a no nonsense, straight to the point school of ministry. You want be taking courses that are unrelated to your preparation. It is our intent to make Christian pupils who can carry out every aspect of ministry through prayer, study, and the Leadership of the Holy Spirit. "The true function of the teacher is to create the most favorable conditions for self-learning...True teaching is not that which gives knowledge, but that which stimulates pupils to gain it. One might say that he teaches best who teachers least" John Milton Gregory Our curriculum ("Currere" meaning to run) is based on this philosophy. Reading the study guide (text/teaching outline) Viewing the video lectures Sharing those thoughts (posting community quotes)Completing the open book exam Hence, repetition, repetition, repetition The student is then encouraged to "run" with it or expand the study (become a pupil of the doctrine) through their own research. 1Co 9:24-27 KJV(24) Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.(25) And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.(26) I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:(27) But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures. They have the power to give you wisdom so that you can be saved through faith in Christ Jesus. Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God's approval. They equip God's servants so that they are completely prepared to do good things.(2Ti 3:15-17 GW) 12 Courses / 12 Months or 18 Months and you are ready for the next step on the path to your Destiny. Our students are so satisfied that over 80% re-enroll for their next level! 
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Take your ministry & career to the
next level!
Bachelors, Masters, & Doctorate
Theology, Divinity, Pastoral Psychology (Biblical Counseling), Christian Leadership & Community Organization, Christian Education, Christian Ministry or Professional Christian Life Coaching

 Designed for easy learning & student success

Accelerated Degree Plans

 A complete education program designed for adult learners who have been out of school for a while, have full time careers, and roots in their community. You don't have to uproot and move to a traditional campus. Our programs work around your lifestyle and schedule and they are only 12-months long. You can earn your bachelors, masters, or doctorate by this time next year! 

 Convenience & Flexibility

All of our programs are 100% Online. Learn at your own pace in your own home, at work, or on the go! The flexibility to continue in your current lifestyle and still acquire the credentials you have been wanting. It is a complete education program with personal assistance and help when you need it. We  personally respond to your questions within 48 hours making every effort to satisfy you right away.  You are never alone when you study with us! 


Integrity is one of the most affordable seminaries you will find anywhere. We offer students the opportunity to make monthly payments or pay once on the day they enroll and save 10%. 
Fees $150 (All degree programs)
Bachelors ($2149) or $199 x 12 months
Masters ($3588) or $299 x 12 months
Doctorate ($4788) or $399 x 12 months. When enrolling you will be offered lower payment options to if needed. 
Certificates are priced individually based on their own criteria. 

Program Options

We offer an array of ecclesiastical degrees and certificates suited for the career minded individual. Choose a degree in Theology, Divinity, Global Missions & Cross-Cultural Studies, Pastoral Psychology, Christian Leadership & Community Organization, Christian Education, Professional Christian Life Coaching, or Christian Ministry, or you can just take a single course and earn a certificate. 

Core Curriculum

All of our courses are created with a Biblical worldview using sound doctrine and wholesome values as the foundation. We firmly believe in the Bible as God's infallible Word and that the Holy Spirit is the real teacher from whom we receive revelation and spiritual growth. Combine that to our world class professors and you have a powerful combination to enhance your growth and training. 

Easy Enrollment

Students complete enrollment online in a matter of minutes.   Immediately, you will receive access to your new courses and be on your way. You can get started today for just $150 fees and in 30-days your payments will start. If you like you can call us and we will talk you through the enrollment and explain it all to you.

Join us for a demo

Feel free to sample one of our favorite courses at no charge! 

What our learners say about us

Integrity Seminary has been a true blessing to my Wife and I. We enjoy the training we get there and appreciate how the Professors are so passionate about God's Kingdom and their students getting what they need to move forward in the Ministry God has called them. If you're looking for a school that will not only pour into you but challenge you to take the next level in your walk with God, then I urge you to get registered for this dynamic school. 
Dr. William B. Virgil Sr. , Pastor/Salesman,  Fort Worth, TX
Integrity Seminary has taken my personal life, ministry and career to heights I didn't know were possible. I am a more conscientious Christian since graduating and have been afforded more of an opportunity to put God on display. The hardest thing about attending class, is keeping quiet during lectures; the presence of God will come through in such a mighty way- I've found myself on my feet praising God for His truth! The cherry on top; the staff members are the absolute best!! One of the best decisions I've ever made!
Dr. Zerita Hall, Professor UTA, Arlington, TX 

Our students love us

There is so much that I could say about Integrity Seminary. I love the classes!! Integrity is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to grow in their knowledge of the Lord and His Word. Not only is it affordable, but more importantly the teaching is based solidly on God's Word. The anointed teaching has not only provided much needed knowledge, but I have received revelation and understanding that can only come through the operation of the Holy Spirit. Each person who chooses to enroll will find themselves being equipped for ministry.
Dr. Lyvenda Reckner, Worship leader & StenoGRAPHER
 As a Pastor and church planter my time is limited but still wanted to finish my education. Integrity was not only a way to do that on my own time but the course where VERY good. I especially enjoyed the ones on church history. Dr. Lee was every helpful and always there to answer my questions.
Dr. Kim Vosion, Pastor & church planter, Houma. LA
Integrity Seminary allowed me to continue my education while still pastoring my church and raising my family. The courses are relatable and applicable to everyday ministry. I would recommend them to anyone seeking bible-based education!
Stephen Bond M.Th., Pastor, Tennessee

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Frequently asked questions

What courses will I take?

The course you take will be determined by the major/degree you have chosen. Typically a student will take 5 core courses and 7 courses in their major. You will have access to all your courses and you can choose the order you would like to take them and work at your own pace. 

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

With us you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable professionals in the field.  All of our instructors hold advanced degrees and years of experience. They are personable and ready to serve you.  *Designed for adults with busy lives
*Engaging and relative course information that you can use today.
*A seminary without government influence or oversight
*Membership in the leading international Christian accrediting agency Association of Independent Christian Colleges & Seminaries AICCS
No non-essential filler material in your courses - courses are chocked full of Scripture, research, and life changing information
*Possibly the lowest tuition in the nation - particularly for the quantity and quality of content 
*So much more...

How can I choose my courses?

We offer a preset curriculum for each degree/major on the bachelors and masters levels. Doctoral students are allowed to choose the courses they wish to take from the list of available courses in their major. However if you need any advice or clarifications, we are at your disposal at any time. We want make you take a course you have already mastered somewhere else. 

What if I want to change my major or I would like to take a course not offered in my degree plan?

We are happy to work with you concerning changes as long as they comply with your degree plan and you are early in your study program. 
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